Sunday, June 29, 2008

Denny's in Illinois and Welcome Center in Iowa

Ty pretty much drove close to 10 hours straight. It's pretty impressive. We stopped around 7 am at a Denny's in eastern Illinois. There was a White Castle near by too. Sad story... I really wanted to have White Castle, but it's not appropriate breakfast food.

After breakfast it was my turn to drive. I pretty much drove across Illinois and into Iowa. We're currently at the Welcome Center. There's free wireless internet here so I uploaded pictures to the older posts. Sean's rearranging the car so there's more room in the back seat. Okay, my laptop battery is about to die so I'll make this quick. Sending all my love to my mom and sister.

Behind Ty's shoulder is White Castle.

Sean's first trip to Denny's.

Ty getting out of the car.

Time to go in and eat!

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