Friday, June 27, 2008

The Night Before the Big Move

Summer 1 semester has ended and Sean and I are in Connecticut. Last night we went to the Olive Bar and had some good brainstorming on what to do during the trip. Okay, lets back up for a moment...

Sean, Tyler, and I are going on a road trip to San Francisco, California. Sean has a co-op (6 month internship) job in San Fran. Ty is starting fresh in a new town (he's one of Sean's best friends from home). I'm just going along for the ride. I have two months off before I go back to Boston to start my 4 month co-op.

We decided to drive cross country and take in the beauty of our country. Well, that's my goal at least. Sean and I decided that making a blog about our trip would be a great way to document the trip. We'll be uploading pictures and maybe links to Ty's videos in the near future. This is also our way to stay connected with family and friends.

We're leaving CT tomorrow, but the time is still undecided. I also want to mention that the update of this blog will be sporadic depending on where we can find internet service (or I can use Ty's iPhone).

So join us as we travel across the US!

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