Thursday, August 7, 2008

Apartment Pictures!!!

I finally took pictures of the apartment! Here it is...

The hallway looking towards the kitchen from the front door.

The living room off to the right of the front door.

Where Sean and I spend a lot of time in front our our laptops and where I spend a majority of the day in front of the TV watching movies.

The view from the window.

Ty's bedroom... his desk and TV.

The other half of Ty's bedroom.

The bathroom across from Ty's room.
Awesome shower system with the full body water massage.

The toilet and sink.

A look into our bedroom. Sean's clothes are on the left, mine are on the right.
To the right is a walk in closet where we keep our hampers and clothes on hangers.

A bit of our table, bed, and bureau.

For show fireplace, mirror, and bed.
Our landlord definitely spent a lot of time and money at IKEA.

The bathroom across the hall from our bedroom.
Ony a toilet, sink, and full body mirror.

A view into the kitchen.

Ty showing everyone the cool opening to quickly get milk and orange juice on the side door.

The washer and dryer in our "garage area."

It's more of a bike garage. Our bikes from L to R: Ty, Patti, and Sean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guys, your place is really nice! I can tell their is a girl living with you by how clean the place is.

Ty, I love the frig demo! You look great!

I hope you guys are getting good use of the bikes.

Keep in touch. Mom McD