Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Things I Do During the Week

Well, I always plan to go to the museums. But when it's overcast and gloomy, I tend to stick close to the apartment. So here's a bit of my schedule during the day.

7:30 am - Wake up Sean since his alarm clock is waking me up and not him
8:30 - Sean leaves and now I'm wide awake
9:00 - Ponder which movie to watch
11:00 - Start making breakfast/lunch
11:30 - Check e-mail and Facebook
12:30 - Look out the window and decide if I want to go out.

This is where my day is decided by the weather, it doesn't usually clear up until 2 pm...

If it's nice out:
1:00 pm - Get my bike and backpack ready for a day at the park or beach
1:30-6 - Find a nice spot at the beach or park and read/take pics
6 - Come back to the apartment and relax, maybe read some more
7:30 - Make dinner with Sean or Ty
8:30 - Watch TV with Sean
11 - Sleep

If it's gloomy out:
1-7 pm - Read in the living room, Facebook, blog, read some articles, maybe venture outside to pick up some groceries

Then it follows the same as above. I love to read so I read a new book pretty much every day. When I don't have movies to watch, I just lay in bed and read until it's noon.

I do plan on visiting the Fine Arts Museum in the park and the MOMA in Downtown SF. There's the Legion of Honor Museum near the Golden Gate Park. The San Francisco Zoo is pretty much down the block.

I'm also scheduling interviews for my co-op position back in Boston. My first phone interview was two Thursday back. I believe I did pretty well. Today I just got a call from another company. They wanted me to go in for an interview, but I told them that I was in California and could not do so. They'll get back to me next week. I'm still waiting to hear from two or three more companies. My co-op coordinators are extremely helpful and want the best co-op for me. I hope I find that perfect fit somewhere.

Here are pretty pictures of roses I took while walking through the Rose Garden in Golden Gate Park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patti, the pictures are beautiful, I bet it was a calming visit. Thank you for the update! So, when are we going to hear from Ty? Did he get a job yet? Is he having fun? Is he glad to be in CA? And, what about Sean and how he is doing in his job. Am I the only one who reads this?

Thanks again! So what a good book to read these days...

See you soon, Jane